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"I happen to be an RN – I feel that the care I received was exceptional.  Professional and efficient.  Thank you." - Donna Jones, R.N.

Skin Rejuvenation

Additional techniques to erase deeper lines and remove age spots may include the use of lasers, peels, and dermabrasions. Each of these have a recovery time to be able to apply make-up of about 10 days.The fastest growing segment of cosmetic surgery is in-office technologies that erase fine lines and improve skin quality with Botox, injectable fillers, and Intense Pulsed Light. These procedures have instantaneous results and have no down time.Restoration of youthful appearing skin may include medical skin care regimens , Botox, injectable fillers, lasers, peels, and dermabrasions. All beautiful women have great skin. Everyone over 35 years of age can improve the quality of their skin with medical skin care regimens featuring prescription strength ingredients. Commercial over-the-counter products make the skin look better with agents that cover the surface of the skin. Dr. Strahan uses a time-tested combination of products that actually penetrate the skin and make the skin healthier.